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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Facebook postings.....

Is it okay for someone 2 post personal things about others on their own page? 

If its wrong and out of line should a family member/friend tell them to remove it??


You may want to start, because defamation of character/harassment can hold up to 1 year in prison....(if I stand corrected) keep playing the FB feuding game if ya' want to...ijs,0,6146912.story 

Be "VERY" careful what u post....


PREVENT is better than cure  ;-*


  1. Depends on what you mean by personal. Fighting over a Facebook post is ridiculous.

  2. I think it is stupid and childish to get into a fight/feud on Facebook.. I believe FB is for fun, yes, some step out of line. People who offend me or just plain get on my nerves. I delete them.

  3. Datz a very fine line of judgment dat some ppl miss! Letz face it, noone wants 2 b da center of gossip, but if they do get there by ones own choice..then dey deserve 2 b there, alone! Lol

  4. Js my opinion, but as long as namez, phone #'s, address' ect...arnt bein used!!! itz ok n my bk...*lol* :))

  5. One day I went to Whoopi's page on Face an posted "I would buy any thing you recommend." And I was reffering to a book. However, all these animal lovers start telliing me off. Telling my I dumb,stupid and many other mean things. It was ridiculous. However, I was not mad, because I know all the mean things they said are not true. But you know I told them off real good, cause I'm from Philly. So I would say no.
