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Monday, February 14, 2011

So what are you REALLY looking at?????

Ladies when a man approaches you are you checking out his smile and what type of shoe he's wearing or are you REALLY checking out his smile and his shoe size? 

Men are you checking out a woman’s beauty from across the room or are you REALLY sizing up her goods from across the room for a one-night stand?


  1. I don't look at the shoe size anymore cause guys where shoes to big I check out the check bone and thumb size..hahaha..crazy right!! But for me to even look your way you must have nice teeth and a nice pair of kicks!!

  2. I'm an eye girl. Because the eye's are the gates to a persons soul. I look at non verbal communication, because you can read a person really good if you pay attention to these two things I mentioned above. I'm a human reader - meaning I can read people really well without them saying a word. So don't try to pull one over on me.
