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Friday, October 29, 2010

Just having a lilttle Friday fun so....Here's a chance to list any pet peeves you may have or I dont get it when??

Pet Peeves....

a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to him or her, to a greater degree than others may find it. 

Had this problem "just" last night.....uuugghhh...LOL

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When married couples are no longer having “fun” in the bedroom; what are some suggestions in bringing the spice back into the marriage and would a “manajatwa” be considered too spicy?

A ménage à trois is the French term describing a relationship or domestic arrangement in which three people, often a married couple and another lover, share a sexual relationship. The French phrase translates into: "household of three", however, the more common predominant definition is known as a “Threesome”. Some basically describe it as ANY sex act involving three people, which the Ménage à trois, is most commonly performed with 2 women and 1 man.

Men were the ones to find it more as a fantasy that had to be fulfilled at some point in their life, but now women are finding it just as appealing, intriguing, pleasurable, satisfying...whatever the politically correct word is these days...

Threesomes are so common now, that they are almost a thing of the past if you will and Foursomes are the new “IT” thing....the better way to go, so I've heard...smdh

You can find any how to book on the form, as well as any internet site asking you to join, locate and find. Not to mention swinger parties here, there and EVERYWHERE and if you think its just for married people or couples think again. Its not only common for one-night stands, but its now so common that the younger generation (meaning our children) are out there wit' it; like changing underwear or brushing teeth everyday...ummmm DON'T sleep on it parents....pfffffttttt!!!! Wake the heck up if you were snoozing....I'm just telling you what I know...humphhh...

Take into account if your husband or wife asked for a ménage à trois and you said no, heck no, or hell to the no. Does it raise some concern in the back of your mind; “what you won't do someone else will”??? Is it easier or harder to give in because, of the sacred marriage bond that you all have, where as if you weren't married would it be much easier to walk away??? So, if not a manajatwa then what spice needs to be sprinkled in the love shack room?? 

Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why do most guys make a BIG deal over dark-skin vs. light-skin women and/or vice versa? ~~ A sista of color

I'm sure light skin sisters have heard; “you are so bogee” let alone are stereotyped with being stuck up, cocky and use their color to get by.

I'm sure dark skin sisters have heard; “oh you're pretty for a dark skin girl” let alone are stereotyped with being mean or having a very bad attitude.

Who started this mess any darn way, cause we sure in hell didn't if you know like I know...but just in case you missed something....
SLAVERY” is where it started....

We were divided by our skin color: Light was accepted more and easier on the eyes so it was said, and light worked in closer connection with the masta' and his people. Dark was not obviously accepted, so dark was placed out in the field away from mostly everyone.

At some point it trickled down into families where it was frowned upon if a man bought home a girl/woman darker than a brown paper bag. Oh yes indeedy! Ask that older generation who can tell you all about it 'n' more. The best stories no matter what topic, comes from our elders if you will...You just have to be willing to sit and listen for a few hours.... ;-D

Nevertheless, next it was good ol'e “Bleaching Cream”. Just about every bathroom you looked in being nosy, there was a jar owned by a dark skin girl and/or woman trying to lighten her skin tone to be accepted by any and everyone that frowned against her skin color. The entertainment world didn't make it any better and we all know it. Has it gotten better? I will let you all be the judge of that, but if you're asking me does it still exist? Ooooh you bet your bottom dollar it sure in the heck does..... “GUARANTEED”!!!

Whatever shade of brown our men or whomever for that matter they may like or even be in love with...."LOVE the skin YOU'RE in NO matter what ladies". Just make sure to speak with our little ladies early on...its all about loving us first and being confident in WHO WE ARE as an individual.

Ignorance has NO name and comes in EVERY SHADE of color from the purest white to the black shiny coated blue.

We all need to STOP with the light vs dark thing. 

When it was said that “Black is Beautiful”, it didn't mean only the lighter version of black....

NO matter what shade you are; its ALL BEAUTIFUL, so remember that....

Friday, October 22, 2010

In regards to tattoo’s and/or piercings…where did they originiate and is there an age limit to allow them and/or an age limit you should stop getting them? What's in fashion these days and/or whats out? Should they be accepted in the work place since times have changed; if so, what's considered okay? Is there such a thing as over doing it or just “Freedom of Expression and when is enough, ENOUGH? Oh and please tell me there is not a young tattoo artist like 5 doing work? If so who would really go? Just because of being kind of curious? ~~ M.K. would say a since of elegance...

Questionable right or not???????????????????????

 Not a tramp stamp, but "sexy" and you know it, so clap your hands...hahahah

One would question why??? RIGHT???

Over doing it or cultural?? ummmm which culture?? lol

Ohhh yes people break records..."the person with the MOST tattoo's"...

AWWWW!!!! she or he or wait it scared me....darn it!!  ;-D

cat woman or just Freedom of Expression???

Okay it has a little flair, but, but, but  :-/

What if u sat behind him in the workplace? Is this what they mean about "the aliens are coming, the aliens are coming!!!"...LOL

HOLD THE HELL UP!!! breaks....urrrrrrrrrrrrrk STOP!!! 2 DAMN OLD!!! enough is E-DAMN-NOUGH!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are inner city kids given the same opportunities as other children in more prominent areas in all states? If not why and what can we do to help change it? Please lets try not to make this a race thing, I believe it has to be more to it then that. ~~ A curious college student

Do districts calculate funding and teacher load the same across all schools?
  • They say it's based on daily attendance calculation...

Are funding requirements of inner city schools higher?
  • Most teachers will NOT teach in a "troubled" school if you will, so are they required to be paid more or do they ask for a higher pay rate?

Are the school funding’s taxed at a lower rate in prominent areas and more in the inner cities?

Are there more recreational activities for kids in prominent areas then the inner city?
  • Some have stated the families are more wealthy, so if a pool needs to be placed in a parent has no problem funding a check or if the music department or even books need to be purchased its not uncommon for a parent or family company to write a fat check or is it a hefty check?

What about colleges/universities at enrollment time? How do they view one over the others? Is one given special treatment over the other?

Monday, October 18, 2010

What’s considered too long of an engagement?

An engagement is a promise to marry, and also the period of time between proposal and marriage which may be lengthy or trivial. During this period, a couple is said to be affianced, betrothed, engaged to be married, or simply engaged.

Future brides and bridegrooms are often referred to as fiancées or fiancés respectively (from the French word fiancé). The duration of the courtship varies vastly.

Long engagements were once common in formal arranged marriages and it was not uncommon for parents betrothing children to arrange such many years before the engaged couple were old enough to marry. In 2007, the average engagement time in the United States was 17 months, but the figure around the world varies greatly depending on culture and customs. ~~ WIKIPEDIA

Months is one thing, but yearsssss is another.....right??? What do you think? Should there be a cut off time if you will?? 5 years, 10years, 15 years?? or do you just toss your hand up and say; “if it “AINT” broke don't fix it”??!/group.php?gid=107392292631218

Sunday, October 10, 2010

If church and state are separated why is gay marriage still banned? or double standards...Did we get to vote on YOUR marriage? How do you feel about same sex marriage ~~ Anonymous


Its not what you say its how you say it, so please say it within the guidelines of this page...Thank You


Who are we to judge who should LOVE whom??

One should worry about who they love, rather than worry about who others should love. We each I'm sure have our own issues and/or concerns, to sit around and tell someone who should be in love or marry. If you have that much time on your hands, then maybe you should rethink your love life let alone your personal life.

At one time in life it was wrong for different cultures to marry - umm discrimination
At one time in life it was wrong for African Americans to marry a Caucasian person -umm discrimination
Now at this point in life it wrong for same sex to marry – umm discrimination

Discrimination is a sociological term referring to an actual behavior/treatment taken toward or against a person/group in consideration based solely on class or category. It involves excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to other groups. Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection. See others sources for other types of discrimination, however, this would be one on that list.

In the end we all have to stand on judgment day for our own skeletons in our own closet. If you think you're that perfect, then please start walking on water on the nearest ocean to you. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What is a true friend and how much of the truth can we accept from our friends? ~~ J.

Here is a time to recognize your friendship...

and is there a difference between best friends, good friends, close friends, etc, etc....

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ladies does size really matter or is it all in the motion of the ocean? Men do you feel why should it matter??




My 13 year old teen placed this on their page “I miss my bro wanna see him but daddy needs 2 get a lyfe and let my momma see him. it seem like this - my momma gotta lyfe. she let me see you when I want 2 but my brother can't see my momma wow daddy sad smh daddy need a lyfe......Her father saw the post and asked if she ...wrote it and she stated yes it's how she feels. Her father told her not to call him anymore. I'm lost and dont know what 2 tell her. Please post any helpful feedback. Thank you so much. ~~ L.L.

There's no handbook 4 parents and sometimes we say some of the dumbest shhhh...ok things 2 our kids when we've been upset and/or hurt by the things our children may have said. Not justifying at all, because I do believe the fathers actions were not right!!! 

We parents "need" to start listening to our children more, when they have things they need or want to say/tell us...children these days are more upfront and sometimes brutally honest. Rather we like what we may hear or not, they do have a right to express themselves in a proper way. That old saying, "children should be seen and not heard"....well that mess is hog wash....

Many of us may feel children (teenagers included) should not post personal matters on FB for any 'n' everyone to see and mind you this goes for some adults doing the same exact thing for that matter.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is being honest and telling the truth always the best way to go? Or are some lies justifiable and are necessary? Be sure to give examples from all fields of life- relationships, politics, education, show business and whatever comes to mind. Eden Antopolsky, 18, from Israel

We've all heard the story growing up....

  How much does one lie? Well, only you know....right nope....

Do men lie more then women??...NOT gonna touch that one... humph!!

The only thing I will repeat what you already know is; what you do in the dark will surly come to light.

What's the purpose in telling a lie; that you will eventually have to lie about again later?

After awhile you will have to keep covering up one lie over the other and at some point you will forget what you were originally lying about in the first place.

Will we always tell a lie? Sure as the grass is green we sure will.

We all tell little white lie's...from telling your girlfriend/boyfriend I had to wash my hair sorry I couldn't go out. Calling your boss to tell them you wont be in you will be out sick, knowing you stayed out or up late the night

So are some lies justifiable? Should we always be honest? 
I will let you stand in whatever line you feel you should stand in below.... ;-D

What do you do when you have a longtime friend that has crossed you in way that you cut off all communication with them for years on end? Then a tragedy happens in that friends life..Do you be there for them or not after soooo long? ~ Anonymous

It's a shame that it usually takes something dramatic/tragic 2 happen 2 someone for us 2 come around 2 forgive someone...(and yes I'm guilty 2)...

We will cut off and/or friends, because we allow our emotions to get in the way....yet some of us are quick 2 claim or shout out I'm a christian...sure the flesh is week...

Now look.... I'm not one 2 preach, BUT.... 
all's I will say further is: Matthew 18:21-22 and leave it at that..... 
♥ ya ;-D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Men do you feel you should always pay for dinner or always pay for dinner on the first date why or why not? Ladies do you feel a man should always pay for dinner or always pay for dinner on the first day why or why not?

Just follow the bouncing ball I mean

Does it already start out this way 4 u?

Does he gesture 2 pay for dinner or is he really just looking at his funds 2 see if he has enough?

Or  does he let you know you can surly take care of it knowing you're the independent woman you are?

Or did he run out knowing he was way to far out his league and yours thinking he would pay?

Have you ever had this one here?

Or do you just split the check, or does one gesture to leave the tip?

Monday, October 4, 2010

How long does a man wait after filing for divorce/ separation before gettin' with the next?? Some divorces take years to finalize, so is dating/hooking up/getting in a relationship while technically married a definitive "no"? Is it black and white? Or, is there a gray area? Meaning: Married is married regardless, until... the papers are signed and stamped? Or, once papers are filed and parties are physically separated, game on? ~~ Anonymous

The world is definitely changing when it comes to staying married these days. Now, look....You get married how you like, but drive up window weddings???? Okay, okay that's judging, so forgive 

Nevertheless, the “D” word is on the rise and still growing at a fast rate. People now staying married less then 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, fewer months, weeks, days, and now hours. Some yelling I want a divorce and others rushing go get a darn just boggles my mind indeed.....smh 

If children are involved then they're torn between both parents trying as hard as they can to salvage what's left as if they were the adults. 


Of course that doesn't work; so we all know what comes next...."The Petition" to file and let the games begin or is it let's get ready 2 rumbleeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Who gets the child/children, pets, finances, material things etc, etc and you think it stops there??? Hell NO!!! It's always that one parent who will keep going 'n' going 'n' going like that damn energizer pink bunny until the kid(s) are 18 and still some...

HA! If you think you wont be placed on public display in front of others in a court room try live t.v. The media is making a killing off of “grown adults” battle their love 'n' hate relationship out in front of millions tuned in gawking, and laughing. All for what?? To see whom can belittle the other parent the most in the end. Hmmmmm???? Okay????? Sheeesh....

If it all works out in your favor, its no more going home to weep and/or wallow. It's all about friends sending Happy Divorce greetings and if you really want to have a shin-dig....its all about an all out themed “Divorce Party”. Oh yes indeedy....invitations, guests, cake, formal, informal, name it and its done your way like Burger King....yes, yes

Whatever, How ever, Whenever, or even Who ever you decide to do your divorce with....Just make sure you're doing it for you your way and your truly happy with the end results. ONLY YOU know when you're sick in tired of being sick 'n' tired.....
I don't know who's cake this is, but you know you're wrong as 2 left shoes....however, in my best Wendy Williams voice "I like it"...hahahhaha