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Friday, September 24, 2010

At what age do boys have wet dreams? I think my son had one and can they still have them a lot more or less when they grow older? ~~ A first time mother

A wet dream is the uncontrolled ejaculation of semen from the penis during sleep which is caused by sexual arousal and orgasm from dreams and/or physical stimulation like rubbing against the bed or even having a full bladder. 

This is completely normal for males going through puberty, and this could be anywhere between the ages of 12 to 18. Usually males will have fewer wet dreams once they start masturbating, or reach the end of puberty or become sexually active. If you are still experiencing wet dreams into your adulthood then your doctor may advise you to try daily Kegel exercises .

If this does not help your problem, talk to a doctor about premature ejaculation .

If anyone is wondering if woman have wet dreams?????

Oh you bet we do..... In 1953, Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D., found out by the time a woman reaches 45 years old, she would have experienced a few to several a year. Different studies by the age of 21 and even by their teenage years.

It's easier for men to notice their wet dreams because of the ejaculatory evidence, where as with women the vaginal secretions could be a sign of sexual arousal without orgasm. 



  1. Well mine is 14 and I don't recall him ever having one or he just never I no ask and he no tell....LOL....I just tell my ex-husband...hey!!! stay on that... ;-D

  2. My son is 13 and I know he has them but probably fewer because he locks himself in the bathroom for long periods throughout the day. So he masturbates a lot.

  3. Mine does that there just wayyyyy 2 long....
