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Friday, December 31, 2010

The New 2011 Year is approaching...

Well, Well....a NEW YEAR is on its way in 24 hours...

I'm sure being that we all aren't perfect, there are some things, issues, people etc, that we want to leave in 2010.....Some people are in our life for many different reasons and seasons that won't continue on with us in our New Year....Guess what? It's okay...Let them stay and you move on into your NEW journey doing bigger, better and/or more prosperous things. Then of course you have some things, issues and people etc, that we want to continue with us right into 2011.....

Take this time to reflect whatever you want to leave in 2010, on today’s post or what you want to take or do better or just do into 2011...

Whatever, your choices maybe I wish you all a Happy New Year, a safe adventure and another blessed new beginning 2 you and 2 yours...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When should they leave the nest?????

I'm the youngest sibling who moved out at age 21 ½ however, I'm now 26 and the oldest two siblings are now 38 and 41. When should they have left the nest? I guess the next thing I should add is. Since they're both still living at home with both our parents do you think our parents should have kicked them they “F” out years ago? ~~ Sibling #3 and doing me.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Oooo-Weee ....Do u see what I see???

You catch your friends’ significant other cheating. 

Do you let the person know you seen them cheating?

Do you contact your friend immediately or wait till later giving the cheater a chance to confess? 

Do you call your friend and tell them your ummm stranded and have them meet you at that location ASAP to bust the cheater with their “own eyes”?

Do you just tell yourself stay out of it, its not my business and just not say anything at all?? (or until the cheater says he saw you and your friend calls to ask you; why didn't you say anything)?? 

~~ Lisa from the Magic City

Friday, December 24, 2010

Just one night???

The holidays are here and parties have been happening everywhere. Did you or someone ever feel bad or ashamed after having a one-night stand after a company Christmas party or any holiday party for that matter? 

Do you prefer them due to no attachment, excitement, the thrill of it, spur of the moment type thing or whatever your reason is? ~~ 

47 year old living life divorcee

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Have you dated someone and found out?????

Women have you dated or married a man and found out he was a down low brutha? 

Men have you flirted, dated, or married someone who you thought was a woman and found out he was transgender (male to female)? 

If someone has undergone transsexuality is he or she obligated to explain right upfront or sometime later after they had a chance to know the person better or even if at all since they've crossed over to be who they want us to believe they are?  ~~ MAD AS HELL!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dealing with the other parent whom you have a child or children with, is NOT always glitz 'n' glamour....

Do you have drama/issues with the other parent, the sperm donor, baby maker, non custodial parent or whatever it is you label him or her? If so, how do or did you overcome them for the best interest of the child or children or is it still a working process? Please help with any positive advice that you think will work to ease the tension ~~ Sign Going Insane Mother of a innocent 10 year old boy

Friday, December 17, 2010

Are celebrities or the media to blame for the majority of the worlds alterations when it comes to plastic surgery? What are your thoughts on plastic surgery and when is too much excessive?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but yet in still many of us have gone to the extreme and beyond when it comes to altering or changing our appearance. Mostly women have gone to the extreme of illegal butt boosting with bathroom caulking to be sealed with krazy glue....smdmfh!!!!!

Why do we go through such length to be put under the knife to change whats on the outside? Isn't beauty within? Yes, it is....BUT....unfortunately we are judged from the outside these days right? RIGHT?

 Everyone is trying to get a Bigger Butt these days... As you see here botched implant just allllllll wrong

If I'm not mistaken...This poor soul has been in many times to correct the botched surgery she received

Why do we do it? For our own self, for someone else, scares, everyone else is doing it, its the new in thing, its everywhere from in person, to magazines, to television, to the young girl who's parents paid for it right next door etc, etc...

Is there an uncontrollable addiction to conforming into something we like or what we want others to see? 

When is enough just enough??  

Whatever decision you make, just make sure first and foremost the doctor is "LEGAL"!!!!! Make sure they're just NOT out to take your money. A true doctor will be honest with you and tell when enough is enough even if you think otherwise....Sometimes you're blinded by your own vision of what beauty should be due to the addiction of plastic surgery....

Please NO more death stories over pure stupidity from poor choices....

Do your research people and when in doubt as they say; follow your first mind...As they say ...Proverbs 31:30 (look it up) 

Here is a very reputable doctor in Valencia, California area...(love his work, him, his staff, his overall care and generosity) Dr. Howard Hu  ;-D

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Do you say the word itch and NO!!! I dont mean scratch....

A female dog is what you like to be called and/or call one another on a regular huh??? WOW!!! I just don't get it, so if I'm out of tune on this one then heyyy send me back in time. :-/  

If I'm not mistaken the first time the “B” word was used on US television was somewhere around the early to mid 80's. It was on the episode of Dynasty when Krystle and Alexis got into one of their famous cat-fights. As of now the “B” word is so widely used, it's like saying hello, good morning, how are you today? You hear it EVERYWHERE from the old to the young, radio to television and now even in some cartoons. 

Growing up utilizing the “B”word was up there with, “if you're bad then knock this chip off my shoulder. Yep, grounds for fighting and if a guy called you that; oh my dear heavens LOOK OUT!!! Woman on a rampage with anything she could get her hands on to throw; too bust that joker upside his head. Men wouldn't even phathem the thought in fear of utensils to hot grits being thrown at them. Mind you, why would they call you one when they wouldn't dare call their mother one??

Think twice before getting upset when that guy just called you the “B” word. Why shouldn't he be allowed when he hears everyone else calling you one???? Where has the RESPECT level gone for yourself if not for your other female family/friends? STOP letting the “B” word roll off your tongue and out your mouth so easily!! A New Year is just around the corner, so try making that apart of your resolution this year. You may surprise yourself enough to where others will catch on and follow your lead just like we did from the media. Food for thought right???

To my female friends who utilize the word and my gay friends included (you know who ya'll are) who use it just wayyyy too much... 

Its overrated, overused, overworked, just over, over, over it... just like the phrase that's hot (((((shivers)))))

In my best-est best Living Color “Men On Film” voices...  "Hated It" it 2 snaps in Z formation, up down, round 'n' round in a circle...    

you know I'm just tryin' to get the point across how outdated it is that's a good one _ _ _ _ _ _ _


HA! u thought I was gonna say it...NOPE not I  ;-)

Monday, December 13, 2010

When does a woman determine they're in love? Before or after kids come? ~~ Anonymous (yes ladies its a man asking)

We women all know that many men who are "serious about a relationship" are just as bad as some women in a relationship, who constantly wonder if the woman they're with really love them for them or just because a child was conceived.

Most men want to know if they're loved for who they are or because of the child and I'm sure many of you out there have experienced this situation at first hand. They will often ask their female friends or members in their family as well as their male friends without asking (like they know, yea right) 

If you've gone through something of this nature or something similar. Please help assist this gentleman with his question....Thank you ladies for your time...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Do you feel animals/pets have less, equal, or more rights than what they require?

bark it right or don't bark it all or I'm telling PETA say's the pup!!!

All jokes aside...Let's sit down and have a NICE ADULT debate...TACTFULLY shall we.....

I saw on the net that It takes more to get a dog at the pound than to adopt a kid from china?? If that's true.... go figure?? I don't get it?? sorry...

On one hand, you have many organizations who will give their last arm to protect animals, and some say, because liberals value the lives of animals more than they value human lives. I asked someone why??  Let me gather exactly what they stated quote un quote. He explained that some feel it's a-okay to kill an unborn child (abortion), but be expected to be called a horrible insane murderer if you accidentally kill a deer that ran out in front of your car. 

On the other hand, you have the people who feel animals are ones property and just a pet “NOT” a baby that was birthed. I saw in someones argument elsewhere that animals are wonderful but, they're not people. They went on to say that they don't dream of a better life; they don't save to send their kids to college, they'll never write a new symphony or a best seller. The person went on to say, of course it doesn't mean we should not treat them with respect and in a humane manner. It does mean they don't deserve the "rights" that humans have in this country. They continued on to say that “Animal Rights” is not about rights for animals; it's about taking away their right to do what they please with their animal(s). 

I hope everyone will be able to give their opinion/thoughts on animal rights in a way we can agree or disagree or agree to disagree....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

An ex-boyfriend from sometime back went to prison, but has now located me years later and wants to rekindle the relationship asap. I guess pick up where we left off, so to speak. However, he has 3 more years left in the BIG house. I adored him before he went in and feelings are still there believe it or not. I'm finding myself loving him all over again...what would you do or even suggest???? ~~ Anonymous

I'm sure many things come to mind like;

Love is blind”....

Love who you love the way you want”....

Don't be fooled by love nor lonely hearts”....

Just remember.....

Love doesn't hurt”

Follow your instincts, your guts and watch for any 'n' ALL signs if you make the choice to venture down that road again....

If you take a VERY close look at the picture above.....Someone could be saying one thing and really meaning something totally different in the inside, as well as on the outside of the BIG house....On that note....


Monday, December 6, 2010

Racial people truly understand what that is and why it exists or.....

.....are they just looking to pull the race card? Why is it the police target a car full of black men...depending on how they are dressed or the make of the car? I dont know but I grew up knowing that usually meant other words is there a reason for the profile? ~~ Sean Coley

Friday, December 3, 2010

They ALWAYS wait 4 the right time 2 showout....Don't they?? sheeeesh go figure :-/

If your child decides to embarrass you all of a sudden in front of EVERYONE rather its by falling out on the ground or floor, throwing a temper tantrum, yelling at you, hitting you, pulling away from you etc, etc. 

What would you do right at that time to discipline them in "PUBLIC"? ~~ 
An embarrassed mother of a 5 year old...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This post is just for you, so Please Do Not Pass This Up....

So many of us women, young ladies, and even younger then that these days may not enjoy a doctors visit, where as some may be too afraid to let someone know they need to go and others may feel there's just no need...stubborn, invincible or naive.

If I may keep it real for just one minute.... "if you're kissing, licking, sucking or *ucking" then YES, I AM TALKING TO YOU!!!

I'm sure some of you are uttering; no she didn't or did she just????...ohhh you bet your sweet juices I sure in the heck did....Think about it for a minute, but be HONEST with yourself in the end. How many of you have cheated, are STILL cheating mind you. Have 1 or more partners rather it male or female, young or old, for kissing or oral, anal, sex or whatever it is that you do and/or enjoy? You all know good 'n' gosh darn well that there is NO way possible to be with that person 24/7, so it could happen right??? Right, that's what I thought.

What am I talking about right?????
HPV, short for Human Papillomavirus, is a group of over 100 different kinds of viruses, some of which cause warts on the hands and feet and others which cause genital warts to CERVICAL CANCER.

DON'T LOG OFF NOW thinking heck No!! NEVER me......I don't have that mess..... "No matter what color, race, gender, or sexual orientation” YOU too can get around if you want to...

MOST MEN WHO GET HPV “NEVER DEVELOP ANY SYMPTOMS NOR HEALTH PROBLEMS”, BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THEY DON'T HAVE IT.... Some are quick to think because of this main reason, it was the female who passed it along to them...HOG-WASH!!!! (read up people, read up, because when he says he just kissed her/him guess what??? If he kissed someone who was infected and passed it on to you...well, heyyyyy you do the equation) If in doubt read further below....

Scenario KISSING: Ladies, you go out to dinner with a hot guy/girl, things are going well. You end the night with “JUST” a passionate kiss and he/she is infected.

Scenario VAGINAL/ANAL: Guys, you hook up with a hot girl/guy, and things are moving right into that one night stand with “NO” condom and she/he is infected.

Scenario ORAL: You're having your last night out with the girls or the guys before you get married. You either get totally wasted at the strip club or the dancers come to you. Rather you're on the “RECEIVING end” or the “GIVING end” with a group it was a night to remember right or so you thought. How many people in the group were or...lets correct that shall we? How many people "ARE" infected now???

Scenario 4: If a known child at the age of 9 can have a baby then this picture means just what it means. They too are a victim of this disease as well in one if not all of the scenarios above. Don't you dare think NOT my child....NEVER!!!, so please don't snooze on the thought.

HPV is one of the most common SKIN TO SKIN sexually transmitted infections among us all that can be passed during kissing, vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has been infected with HPV. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo Clinic, 6.2 million Americans become infected with HPV each year. There are also approximately 20 million Americans with an active HPV infection.

****Very rarely, a mother who is infected with the HPV virus can infect her newborn baby during the delivery, but keep in mind it could happen.****

SO WHAT you used a bleeping “condom” every time!!!!


HPV is VERY DIFFICULT TO PREVENT BECAUSE IT IS EASILY SPREAD AND OFTEN DOES NOT PRESENT saw that right?? Read that line again just in case you missed it. However, using protection when having oral or other sexual intercourse can lower your risk of infection for HPV. 

****For the best protection, limit sexual encounters to a monogamous relationship with an individual who is known to be free of HPV. In other words stop cheating, no more 1 night stands, no 3somes, nor 4somes, nor orgies, so that means no swinger parties!! Limit who you touch and who is allowed to touch you at the strip clubs or clubs period...I'm just sayin' you all...I got most talkative in high school, so I'm putting the gift of gab to good****

All jokes aside....Ladies, young or old remember to follow up on your pap-smears and if they come back abnormal, don't brush it under the rug and think nothing of it. Surly don't let the doctors tell you to come back in a year to see if it goes away on its own which it can, but demand them to do further testing....(follow up on your research further on testings/procedures).

PLEASEEEEE DO NOT IGNORE THIS POST AND DO YOUR RESEARCH on further prevention for yourself, your little girl(s) or someone close to you who may not even have a clue. Yes there are a few known vaccines that can be given to our female adults, as well as to our young children as earlier as age NINE!!! Yes, I said 9 years old and up. 

Remember January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month. Please help me support the cause and press a "shared" button below....Thank you

Better early then everyone should be on time and aboard when January arrives  ;-)