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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stop The Silence Of Domestic Violence.....


Post any thoughts/feelings you may have or want to share in regards “Domestic Violence”…Why it’s so hard to leave the abuser and/or do men get abused also less or more?? If so why do they find it harder to report? 

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE list resource/help centers websites and/or phone numbers in different states….Be careful with addresses for the safety reasons of others….THANK YOU 

****I ask that if ...anyone comments “PLEASE” be more cautious as 2 what u say/type being that this is a “VERY” sensitive subject for most****





  1. I am so thankful that there is so much more assistance available for us women then way back during my time.

  2. Many blessings to you all who have gone through or better yet who are going through at this time or even have someone special going through it rather it be woman or man. My heart goes out to you all as well as any and everyone who may have lost someone due to this horrible violence....xoxo

  3. Hubby and I were discussing a woman who died this week from her husband beating her to death in front of their kids and leaving her for dead in their front yard. Many have posted how bewildered they are about her being with him and women dealing with abuse as a whole. Been there, done that and it's never that easy for some to walk away. Federal funding cuts have minimized domestic abuse programs and shelters. Abuse leaves a woman's self esteem shattered and denial becomes your best friend. Fear sets in knowing if you press charges and he bails out the abuser will become more abusive. I thank God every day for restoring the time I lost being abused. God has restored by joy, peace and clear thinking. I left with 3 small kids and the clothes I had on my back. I went to a shelter until I came up with a game plan and started building a new life for my family. With the support from my kids, friends and family I returned to school to get my degree and never looked back. To the ladies who are in those situations be willing to come up with a secure plan and leave. Your kids need you and the world needs to hear your cries of freedom

  4. Anyone needing assistance can contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) or 800-787-3224 (TTY). The Hotline receives more than 22,000 calls per month from victims, survivors, friends and family members, law enforcement personnel, domestic violence advocates and the general public. Hotline advocates provide support and assistance to anyone involved in a domestic violence situation, including those in same-sex relationships, male survivors, those with disabilities and immigrant victims of domestic violence. All calls to the National Domestic Violence Hotline are anonymous and confidential.
