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Friday, September 10, 2010

Father says "her friend is just around the corner"....any feedback?

A single father is raising his daughter alone and she's at the age ready to start her friend as he states us woman often say. He would like to know "how does he have that talk with her" or should he just leave it up to his sister to speak with her since he's a man and can't relate to the feeling of this at all?


  1. I commend you for being there for your daughter instead of passing her off on your sister...I'm all for you speaking with your daughter "FIRST" then I would say allow your sister to follow up afterward. I say this because men don't have a clue about PMS meaning; you surly don’t have an idea about our cramps, and you all 4 darn sure cant relate too having babies. That's just like us women can not relate to penile erections, ejaculations, nor a wet dream, so with all that said yes do your research then follow up with your parental duties first and foremost to the best of your ability. Once done then allow your sister to speak with your daughter and good luck. I'm sure you will do just fine... ;-D

  2. Well I can relate to wet dreams! (AHEM) Moving on, I agree with Ay, Bravo for talking with your daughter about this matter. DOUBLE KUDOS for getting it in before hand. She lives in the house with you and as God see fits will be married oneday and maybe even have a son or two. This is a biological process that can not be avoided. Following up as my girl said, should be taken care of by a woman whose experience will help her learn how to manage that time of the month it is a big responsibility cleanliness, accidents, cramps, BABIES,(trust me on this one, I know), but most of all what many don't learn until late are the increased emotions from pms. Men and women down play this and it is so real. She may be prone to bouts of crying a week before her period, you may not know why and she may not,but being aware of it helps you both understand and just let it pass. Hope this helps and God bless!

  3. I just did post on wet dreams and females can relate and I don't have a clue why I said that, but you get the point....LOL
