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Thursday, September 23, 2010

How do you deal with a woman whose PMS’ing and do men have dry cycles? I never heard that before, but my wife says we do :-/ Yes I am a guy but I want to remain Anonymous the wife is PMS’ing I want to live to be able to read the replies :-0

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: PMS is a disorder characterized by a set of hormonal changes that trigger disruptive symptoms in numerous of women from up through 2 weeks prior to menstruation, during and/or after. Approximately 50 million who suffer about 6 million require medical treatment for severe mood and/or behavioral changes.

Ladies please DO NOT feel like you're going crazy nor listen to those who say you are every month. Your doctor can help you by explaining or answering ANY questions you may have and possible discuss utilizing an anti-estrogen hormonal medication to lower and stability the estrogen level. Last but not least remember there are psychotropic medications for short periods of time that you can use and again if you require them.....


Do men have the symptoms of PMS? 

If someone where to ask a man more than likely he will say no, but they are either lying or just unaware. For men the PMS abbreviation is the same, however, the meaning is different “Pre-Menstrual Stress”. Do men have the symptoms every 28 days? No, most men have symptoms more often and those who understand and accept it will state “they're just down or feeling a little depressed”.....


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