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Monday, September 13, 2010

Timeouts vs. Spankings a.k.a. whoopins, tap-taps, pow, pows, beat downs, knock outs, drag outs whatever you may call them from children to teenagers, and what do you remember getting spanked with (if you were spanked) when a belt wasn’t in your parent(s) or an adults reach? (Remember you have the right 2 your own opinions/thought process and/or views which you can ...surly give; its just HOW you "CONVEY" your message…I ALSO ASK THAT EVERYONE TRY 2 “RESPECT” OTHER PEOPLES POSTINGS)

How you discipline your child in your home is your business and how I discipline my child in my home is my business “unless” it's in “danger” of the child's welfare.

Spanking is a form of corporal punishment commonly used to discipline a toddler, child, and teenagers. It typically consists of an adult striking the child's bottom in reaction to poor behavior, with either an open hand or an implement, without producing physical injury. When an instrument is used in lieu of a hand, spanking becomes switching, paddling, belting, caning, whipping, or birching, depending on the type of implement. When an open hand is used, some countries refer to spanking as slapping or smacking. In much of the Western world, spanking is more likely to be given to younger children than to teens. Historically, boys have tended to be more frequently spanked than girls. Wikipedia

Time-out involves temporarily separating a child from an environment where inappropriate behavior has occurred, and is intended to give an over-excited child time to calm down. It is an educational and parenting technique recommended by “SOME” pediatricians and developmental psychologists as an effective form of child discipline. Often a corner (hence the common term corner time) or a similar space where the child is to stand or sit during time-outs is designated. Wikipedia

I know of many parents who have said; “just because some parents have made the choice not to spank their kid(s) doesn't mean that we are abusing ours.”

I recall growing up in a time when kids were more respectful with A LOT more than enough manners then these new millennium kids of today if you will. You wouldn't dare talk back, cuss or fight your parent(s) let alone another adult rather it be teacher, neighbor, family friend, family or even an older sibling. If you did you were put in your place real quick and NEVER made that same mistake again! Now of days these kids could careless about anyone, but themselves and their friends. Most of them will stick together like a pack of wolves and will usually discuss what worked for them in their situation. Before you know it your kid is coming home to see if it will work for them to get what they want and in some “timeout” homes guess what it works. You can only put a child let alone a teenager in timeout for so long until they look at you and walk away to their room or out the door to the window or flat out tell you “F” you. I'm not at all saying that timeouts do not work, so DO NOT take it that way, however, if you find yourself getting cussed out, yelled at, or even fighting your child or excuse me your child fighting you; then you may want to rethink the timeout thing real quick.

Some of us have been spanked with many different objects that would definitely be considered abuse today, and again I'm not saying go out and start spanking your children with switches, extension cords, hot wheel race tracks etc, etc, etc. Soon as certain parents started hollering abuse then it just seems like the children/teenagers jumped on the same band wagon and all hell broke loose. Kids started back talking parents, teachers, neighbors heck ANY elder for that matter. Then it got worse and they began fighting them as if we were they're ages...go figure???? The police officers AND the timeout parents were coming to defense of the spanked children by any means necessary then one day things started to change. Kids killing kids, juvenile crime going up all behind parents in fear of what will happen to them or maybe even their other children if they disciplined their child my means of a spanking or as some say a good azz whoopin'. The system became so overloaded that now a police officer will tell you its okay to spank your children as long as its an open hand and some will even say a belt...just as long as no visible bruises or marks are on the child/teenagers body.

Sure each child is different and what may work for one may not work for another and I'm not saying that kids who get spankings don't smell themselves either. Ohhhhh trust they do, but most will often think about the consequences before they decide to act like they're 51/50 (crazy). I don't think you should just hall off and start spanking your kids when they do something wrong NO, NO, NO, because each scenario is different. In some cases you may just have a discussion, others you may do timeout(s), then possibly taking valuable things away, or even counseling as an option again depending on the situation. Other times you may have to go straight for the gusto and knock them into the middle of next week. Okay, Okay, you know there is no such thing, so don't go judging me or calling 911, so hold your horses there partner. Some parents have a different lingual all together and that doesn't mean we abuse our children either.

All I'm saying is don't be so quick to judge those who do discipline their kid(s) by spanking and yell out abuse, or calling social services or looking down on the parent(s) for their choice. As for me so far so good not one has been a statistic in the system even thought the x has tried. knock on wood I haven't had one disrespecting me in public, nor disrespecting any elder for that matter, nor cussing in or around an adults hearing range, nor in the news for killing nor blowing up anything or anyone, so I must be doing something right thus far. How you get your values across to your children is on you in the long run. I was raised up in the old skool era if you will and PROUD of it, so the only thing left for me to say is Proverbs 13:24 ;-)


  1. Time outs are useless...its just gives them time to think of the next thing they are going to do. Todays Parents are castrated by fear..fear that thier children, friends or complete strangers are going to turn them in to child services. As a result the children are running the house this goes against nature. I have personally seen this in action. A friend of mine has a son...thats 10 years old and still sleeps in the same room with them..this is one sympton of the lack of a sex life they have...there is no reason for this as there are 3 other bedrooms the boy could occupy. He also if told to do something often refers to himself in the third person saying..insert name here...will do what he pleases...the wife knows what needs to be done but the husband is afraid. All I know,,,if i even looked at my mother funny I was looking for my jaw in another zip code..nuff said..

  2. I was spanked as a child (not abused, spanked) and all it taught me was to hide things from my parents. My brother has emotional issues from it. Spanking is violent, hitting someone is classified as physical violence and so is a child. To the above poster, if a child is sleeping with his parents, then they aren't disciplining him. If he is allowed to run the house then they aren't disciplining him. Letting your children run free is not a form of discipline. Time outs and the other non-violent ways work, if the parents just have the time and effort for the child, which in today's time doesn't seem to be the case. I have friends who were never spanked, yet they were never any trouble either, because the parents actually made time for their children.

  3. i agree with sean and with the person who posted Anonymous with sean cause yeah that dose give them time to think of the next thing to do and gets them in more trouble and with Anonymous thats true about the running free cause i was in volved with dpss cause my ex and his wife are very spite ful and called and said i beat my 3and 2 year old whm was 1 and 2 at the tie with plastic coat hangers obviously so untrue cause i still have my babies with me but i personally dnt spank my kids though they need a good one i dnt do it

  4. I don't think timeout are the post says it just depends on each scenario and not all kids are the same I agree with that. However, I do believe what you say Sean in regards to so many parents are living in fear of their children and society has allowed it to get out of hand, but what I like is some recognize it now and are in agreement to make some chages to a good ol'e fashion whoopin like the good old days. To the other person below Sean I'm sorry you were not able to share things and you had to hide things from your parents, but again some children have received spankings and are still close to their parent(s), opened up or told them more than they have needed....LOL...Sometimes my daughter shares too much and I have to tell her I'm your mother NOT your BFF and tell her to take it back a too was spanked and I shared things with my parents. I do believe either it was because they took the time and communicated with me as to why I was getting a spanking, communicated after or rather they whooped my butt on every syllable....LOL....sorry lil humor dont hurt no1...have a great evening 2 u all

  5. I say beat that ass when they mess up!!!!!

  6. And what is beating them going to do? That's not a solution or is that just your lingo for spanking as the post stated. Not everyone speaks the same so I can respect that.

  7. Seriously...I think one needs to strike a balance...I grew up with spanking (it was supposedly to keep us on track) and discussion as well..and I've decided very early on that my first recourse would be discussion, explanation, with spanking as a last result (if necessary after say 3 attempts of trying to talk things through)...on the other hand I've found that THE LOOK works wonders for stopping a kid in his/her tracks when they are bordering on overstepping...I will admit that THE LOOK, discussion and explanation has worked very well for me. Thanks for the opportunity :-)

  8. To the anonymous post just above THANK YOU you took the words out of my mouth. Nothing else needs to be said. I conquer that with every breath of my soul.

  9. A quick swat on a diapered behind will have more impact because of the sound, not the pain. I disciplined both of my now teenage sons with spankings. NOT with beatings. I have 2 well-adjusted, well-mannered, and accomplished young men. There is, in fact a difference, and you can tell the children who have never, ever been spanked in their lives. 98% of them are self-centered, demanding, whiny, and incapable of doing for themselves as they reach adulthood. Face it, folks, a well placed hand on the butt at a young age will go much further than a pansy "time-out"
