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Friday, September 17, 2010

Should schools distribute condoms at junior high and/or high schools?

More than half of American teenagers have had sexual intercourse and /or have had to deal with significant sexual health risks. Need I say that over a millions girls become pregnant year after year with the numbers still increasing. One in about eight teenagers contract STD(s), and one in about
four hundred students in college are infected with HIV. So please keep those facts in mind before saying NO.

Look I'm not saying condoms should be distributed from vending machines, or a free for all snatch 'n' grab, nor having them passed out like a presidential campaign. Maybe having a parent fill out a form and that form is passed to the nurses office and distribution is done in that matter. Now of course some don't nor won't tell their parents, so whats wrong with the student completing the paperwork yearly with an option for sexually active or non-active to be kept in their personal file? Nothing wrong with an option like, if your parents are aware or not aware of your sexually activities?

Unfortunately, some students are more willing to tell someone else other than their parent rather we like it or not or how many birds 'n' bees discussion, and/or lectures we have had. 

At one time parents were saying, "look at these teenagers having babies", then times changed and it was. "look at this children having babies", and now "babies are having babies". 

I just saw on my friends FB page just today that her child is in the 8th grade and in her class sits a girl who is pregnant. I don't know rather to scream, cuss, find the parents or cry. I believe the youngest pregnancy that I last remember yearssssssss ago from the news was a little innocent pretty little Latino girl at the age of 9 years old. However, the youngest mother every recorded was nothing but 5 years 8 months old giving birth to a son on Mothers Day.... 

Good lawdy, lawdy I feel sick to my stomach....just sad ;-(

Please see other link below of post for other recorded young mothers......

Nevertheless, I don’t believe that people can be pressurized into having sex just because they see condoms. It all depends on each person and how they deal with peer pressure, and remember some are uncontrolled circumstances. If they know who they are and know what they want out of life going forward, then life is just grand and one less stress factor to deal with as a parent. Again I ask should they be distributed in school? If your answer is still no; then just take note they will find away and you can't be with them 24 hours in a day....just food for thought. 


  1. Phyllis Walker SavageSeptember 18, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    Absolutely to keep down unwanted pregnancies by our teenage girls I think they should be given to them. The schools should talk about how important abtinence is but as we know just as some of us didnt listen a lot of them won't either. So the best way to solve or eliminate some of the teenage pregnancy is to give out condoms. It will also prevent deadly diseases such as aids

  2. Yes they should in schools, at home, in the mall as people come in and at school games and all events. Well I guess I'm saying pass them out were ever teens are. Its prevention not permission.

  3. My teenager was given "the lecture" as most are, but with one important addition: the picture of his older 1/2 sister, a product of unprotected teenage sex. Then he was shown the divorce paperwork, and got to see the child support orders, etc, all for a sister he's never met. He was then given the condoms and told "we won't love you any less if you get someone pregnant, but remember that the baby will be real, and you'll be expected to be responsible".

  4. I have given my oldest son the "talk" and have told him that I won't love him any less. I know he is sexually active and I want him to have as much access as he can. He knows what can happen when 2 people have sex. He has a 1 yr old 1/2 sister and I have made it VERY clear to him that even though she was unplanned, ahe is loved just as much.

  5. Yes, I know too many kids that have got pregnant in high school and now kids are getting pregnant in middle school where I live. These kids are way too young to have kids of their own to raise and most end up poor. Kids who have kids end up having 2 or more kids by the time they are 19. Let's stop these kids from getting pregnant so they have brighter futures.
