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Monday, September 13, 2010

Should a 6 year old have a cell phone and if not what is the appropriate age? ~~ The other parent in the family....

Six years old huh? What happened to Barbie, tea parties, dress up, G.I. Joe, trains, planes and automobiles? However, the 1st question that really comes to my mind is; “where in the hell would your 6 year old be without you to even have a need to utilize a cell phone”??
Technology says its the way to go. Ummm SO! You say school? Nope try again they should be learning and playing with their playmates. Their friend such 'n' such has one. Like we were told they live there and you live here, so try something else. At a friends house or outside unsupervised? Not a chance, so try that elsewhere. To communicate with another parent? Okay, that's a possibility.
Sometimes you have two adults who just can NOT get along for whatever reason and you may NOT want that other parent to have your number for whatever reason as well. You find yourself purchasing a cell phone for your kid(s), so that he/she stays in communication with the father/mother instead of being cruel and suspending all phone privileges when you both aren't getting along or even indefinite.
Nevertheless, it's a personal choice as to what you allow for your children in the end, so with that said just weigh out the pros and cons before your ultimate decision.


  1. Wow a six year old...what she's gonna do with it, whose she gonna call, lol. I wouldn't waste the money. I think when your child has a social circle and/or social life (staying out a lot at friends house, staying after school, at the movies, at the skating rink, etc) then your child needs a phone. I gave my ten year and my seven year old one to share. They used it to call me (and maybe a friend every blue moon), brag to friends while at school, and then lost it. So it was truly a waste of money.

  2. I think it all depends on the situation. My girls had a cell phones they shared at ages 7 & 9 - however, they received it because they spend half the summer with their dad and I thought it would be a great idea to have only one phone number for them to share with their friends that would go directly to them vs calling two houses trying to see where they are. IF your child just wants a cell phone to look cool and be 'cool' like mommy - before I got them their cell phone, I would give my girls my old cell phones to play with, carry, do whatever and that made them just as happy to carry it around and have others 'think' they had a cell phone.

  3. I gave my son a cell phone when he turned 8 he's now been through 3 phones. 2 we already had and one was ordered new it went down the sewer drain. So needless to say he has no more cell phones. He has done fine without it, the only thing is it's harder for me to keep tabs on him when he's around the neighborhood. Now we are using walkie talkies that work great. Even at 8 they are not responsible enough to have cell phones but it's nice if they could.

  4. My boyfriends ex got there 7 year old a cell for his birthday... he lives with his grandma... so he calls his dad (my bf) and his mom, he also calls his grandma when he comes to visit us, and he text on it as well. he has all his moms friends that talk to him. he was at our house the other night and his moms "friend" text him and told him to make sure he went to bed on time... guess they thought we couldnt handle it.... my boyfriend thinks its dumb but thats exactly why his mom did it. she also went and got his ears peirced knowing that his dad was very against it... she tells him yes on everything he asks for just cuz he is getting good grades in school... i understand rewards but to me it just looks like she is trying to seem ok that she has left them with her mom so she can go do her own boyfriend thinks its because she just likes to get under his skin and it bugs her that his son is crazy about him and would love to be with us all the time if he could.

  5. There is no reason for a 6 year old to have a cell phone. That opens up a number of problems. Your just asking for trouble. They are not responsible enough, not old enough to understand all the factors with having a cell phone and they are just kids. Also, if you don't trust where your kids are in the first place then they don't need to be there. You should be able to call that persons house to talk to your kid. Otherwise, at that age you are with your child everywhere they go.

  6. I gave my son a cell phone when he was six-years-old for safety reasons. His dad and I were separated. The dad has 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekend "visitation." One Sunday my son came home with a welt on his foot because his father chased him around his apartment with a plastic BB Gun pistol and shot my son in the foot. My son was afraid and let's face it, it's just not how a parent is expected to act. Therefore, for my son's safety and peace of mind, I was able to add him to my current plan at no charge as well as get him a free phone. The only time the phone is in my son's possession and turned on is when he spends time with his dad.

  7. my son is 7 and he got a cell this year...he was put on the wrong bus the first day and was lost for 3 hours...we said..that wont happen again..he has like 120 hours for the month and he only calls me or his dad...he wont use many minutes its funny...

  8. Our dd has one at almost 12 and has had one for about 2 years but she has numerous activities outside the house (dance, scouts, 4-H, church, etc) that we can not always attend.

    She also uses it at the store- if we split up to get stuff, she can call with a question (our Wallies is HUGE) or to find me.

    Every parent must decide for themselves when it is time for a cell phone. We didn't grow up with them but can see the need for them in this day and age.

  9. Yes for emergency's and if they need to keep in contact with you for whatever reason that may be. I see nothing wrong with that. We added a phone onto our plan after my daughters bus was 45 minutes late, she was 7 at the time. Needless to say she can call at any point if she feels the need to. It is not a toy and it does not stay on during school hours. She is not to let other use it unless it is an emergency situation. We monitor it every day, morning and night. She has had the phone for two years now, we have never had problems with her losing the phone or damaging the phone. If a phone is just to have to "play" with to call friends then no, use the home phone for that.

  10. Probably not. My little sister who's turning 7 is getting one and I think it's insane messed up and just pure weird. I got my first cellphone when I was 9 but my older brother stole it and then lost it in the city. If your child is responsible enoug get em one! My sister though is very far away from being responsible.

  11. I will have a 'kids' phone, when my sons are old enough to start going with friends and their families without me, but it will be a shared phone with only calling capabilities that will be turned off and in my room when not needed. But except under certain situations I don't think any kid who can't pay the bill shouldn't have a phone all their own to do whatever they want with it.
    My parents only bought my brother and I a phone when I was 16 just before they went out of town for the weekend for their anniversary and left us alone. It could call and i could send about 40 txts a month. but I almost never used it to call anyone but my parents for nearly 3 years until I met my now hubby.
