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Monday, September 27, 2010

How would you help a family member who is using Meth? ~~ Anonymous

Methamphetamine a.k.a. “METH” is an awful drug and there is probably not a whole lot you can do except be supportive as best as you can be/know how to be. A person using meth may enter a rehab facility more times than you and I are willing to count and still may not recover. However, they may be one of few to come out alive 'n' kicking if you will. The nature of this drug packs a punch so hard that the effects it has on the brain is so powerful and destructive it's unbelievable. Do your research and the more informed you are the better it is for you and your family member and/or friend.

Here are just some signs that a person might be addicted to methamphetamine:

  • Weight loss.

  • Dilated pupils and rapid, darting eyes.

  • Wakefulness that lasts for days, or perhaps more than a week.

  • Obsessive, fidgety behavior.

  • Frequent sweating.

  • Loquaciousness.

  • Skin lesions and frequent sores that take a long time to heal.

  • Tooth decay (commonly referred to as "meth mouth").

Meth overdose....What 2 look 4....

1 comment:

  1. I haven't experienced this but I would suspect tough love and a lot of prayin? On a side note: I REALLY DIDN'T need to see that grill!! Lol
