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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How do you feel about guns in your household rather its water, fake or real guns?

This is why guns should NOT be allowed in the household when you have a $%!@#$%^ parent(s) like this here!!!!!

I recall my elders telling stories about playing cowboy and Indians and how much fun they had doing so. Of course we grew up at the tail end of it. I have to say some of us would watch the black and white movies on a Saturday afternoon then head out doors to emulate what we just saw with friends. 

I would say some where around the 80's / 90's it was NO longer any fun for the next generation of kids and I'm NOT talking about us growing up nor out growing the outside game. It seemed everywhere you turned a kid was either dying by a gun due to a freak accident or the real cowboys I mean cops were gunning down got it the kids. If you really do your research you will see more....lets say..... Buffalo Soldiers have died by the gun than any other race.

Nevertheless, each year there are @ 34,000 gun related deaths in the U.S. and more than 500 children die EVERY year from accidental gunshots. Some shoot themselves as young as toddler age, while others kill friends or family members after discovering a gun. As a parent it is your responsibility to assure gun safety in your home when you have children. Many people have said if you hide a gun the kids will find it. If you lock it up they will find away to get into it or you just might see certain parent(s) who will replace Barbie dolls with weapons as a picture on your next greetings card.....smdmfvh!!!! 

You can only say and do so much in regards to your children and we all know they will turn around and do something else; let alone some parents as you see. Some parents will argue that guns are safe its the people, but how do you say that when you have a split second to notice that's NO adult at the other end of that gun? You will have other parents who will state I only do play guns, but remember the African-American boy who was shot to death for a having a toy gun riding around on a bike playing. Mind you all the other stories that fall under that same issue....Then of course you have the parent(s) who will ONLY allow colorful water guns in the home, visible enough to see miles away. 

Whatever your choice is just ALWAYS be aware and prepared.......

Just keep in mind the old motto...


  1. I feel there should be none in the household at all.

  2. no play guns, no real guns .....guns dont kill ppl, stupid ppl with guns kill ppl

  3. I guess I have a fear of temper would NOT allow me 2 have one...I dont mean I'm quick to jump but the situations I've been in would have made me go there....I never allowed my kids to play with toy guns only the BIG BRIGHT water guns...I figure if I have no knowledge about it why teach them?? That's like the blind leading the blind...However, I do talk to them about the safety of guns if they come in contact with one and I learned that from the safety programs....
